Planning and Development
Welcome to the Town of Espanola Planning and Development.
Our services include all aspects of land use planning,
building and residential/commercial and industrial development.
Welcome to the Town of Espanola Planning and Development Department. Our services include all aspects of land use planning, building and residential/commercial and industrial development.
The Planning Department of the Town of Espanola provides support to Council, and its committees, on all matters related to land use planning, in addition to the sale, acquisition and leasing of municipal property.
The Planning Department prepares policy and processes to ensure that the Municipality can guide growth and community development in the direction the community desires and strives to work with its residents and developers to anticipate and identify current and future community needs, and to ensure that the quality of life in our community is improved over time.
What Is a Community Improvement Plan?
A Community Improvement Plan or CIP is a planning tool permitted under Section 28 of the Ontario Planning Act. CIPs also include financial incentives, which are legislated under Section 365.1 of the Municipal Act. The CIP establishes a framework for achieving community improvements to rehabilitate and revitalize project areas. The CIP will allow for municipal incentives to stimulate private sector investment to develop & revive the downtown commercial core and highway six corridor. The Plan will also serve to encourage multi-residential development to create more affordable and senior housing options.
The CIP includes incentives to stimulate private and public sector investments and sets out design guidelines for public and private sector improvements.
Applications are reviewed on a first come first serve basis. Applications will be accepted until the budget for the year is exhausted and reactivated again the next budget year.
The Municipality is committed to providing individual accommodation to its customers where appropriate by creating its own alternate formats of printed materials. Upon request, alternate formats shall be provided in a manner in which is to be agreed upon by the requester and the Municipality.
Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.
The following is a synopsis of the available incentives.
Program | Amount |
Façade Improvement Grant Program |
Up to maximum of 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum grant of $4,000 |
Signage Improvement Grant Program |
Up to a maximum of 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum grant of $2,000 |
Accessibility Improvement Grant Program |
Up to a maximum of 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum grant of $5,000 |
Parking Area and Landscaping Improvement Grant Program |
Up to a maximum of 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum grant of $4,000 |
Architectural / Engineering Design Grant Program |
Up to a maximum of 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum grant of $1,000 |
Municipal Application/Permit Fees Rebate |
Building Permit Fees: up to 50% reduction in building permit fees; up to a maximum of $2,500 Landfill Fees: up to 50% rebate of landfill fees; up to a maximum of $500 |
Tax Increment Grant Program |
For properties within the Downtown Core or Highway 6 Project Area: For Multi-residential, seniors housing, or affordable housing projects on properties within the Residential Project Area: 100% rebate in years 1-3
Total amount per Property |
$5,000 per property (excluding tax increment grant) |
Planning is a process through which the community shapes the place in which its residents live. Together, we use the planning process to manage and organize our land and our community and natural resources based on shared goals and a long-term vision.
Planning responds to current and emerging community needs. It values the voices of residents, businesses, and community partners. It enables us to decide how we want to achieve our social, environmental, and economic objectives, and helps us balance the interests and rights of individual property owners with the broader public interest.
Planning engages the entire community in setting goals and investment priorities that will shape growth and guide change. It ensures different uses are assigned the right type and amount of land in the appropriate location; coordinates orderly development with the availability of infrastructure, services, and facilities; prevents conflicts between land uses; protects natural resources; and enhances the community’s cultural assets.
Planning in Ontario takes place within a multi-level policy hierarchy in which higher-level plans and policies help inform and guide decisions made at lower levels. Planning decisions made at the local level are meant to reflect and respond to each community’s unique situation and context. The multi-level framework means these decisions need to conform with plans and policies that have been put in place at higher levels of government, whether provincial or regional.
Learn about the rules and processes municipalities follow for community and growth in Ontario through helpful Citizen Guide's on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing website.
The Planning Act
Provincial Policy Statement
Northern Growth Plan
The Official Plan is a comprehensive framework containing objectives and policies established by Council primarily to provide for the orderly development of the municipality.
Generally, the Official Plan consists of both text, which describes the policies of the Town on how the land within the community should be used, and a series of map schedules, which delineate the location of various land use designations and natural and heritage values targeted for protection.
The Official Plan is prepared with consultation and input from the community, and helps to ensure that the future planning and development will proceed in an orderly fashion. The Town of Espanola Official Plan provides direction on how the Municipality should position itself for its future through specific guidance for developing a lifestyle, sustainable community for future generations to enjoy. The policies and Schedules A and B(maps)are established primarily to guide the physical development of the Town in cohesion with social, cultural, economic, and natural environmental priorities.
The Official Plan and Schedule A1; Schedule A2; Schedule B1 and Schedule B2 are available for the public to view.
If you would like to make a change to the Town of Espanola Official Plan you must apply for an Official Plan Amendment. Examples of changes you may apply for include:
- Land-use designations
- Policies of the Official Plan
A pre-submission consultation meeting with the Planning Department is necessary in advance of submitting your application.
For more information, contact:
Traci Denault-Roque, Deputy Clerk
705.869.1540 x 2104
[email protected]
The Town of Espanola’s Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw is the primary tool that the Town uses to implement the vision set out in its Official Plan. The Zoning Bylaw establishes specific land-use designations prescribing how properties may be used and sets out standards for the physical form and organization of buildings on those properties. It also addresses such details as lot dimensions and coverage, building height and setbacks, parking requirements, and amenity space.
Espanola residents may need to refer to the Zoning Bylaw from time to time, especially if they are considering an improvement or expansion to their home or business. Referring to the Zoning Bylaw is also recommended for those considering the sale or purchase of a particular property to ensure that the intended use of the property is in fact permitted in that zone.
Schedules A & B
If you would like to make a change to the Town of Espanola Zoning Bylaw you must apply for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment. Examples of changes you may apply for include:
- Property Zoning
- Permitted uses in a Zone
The Town of Espanola’s Zoning Bylaw regulates the way in which land can be used in the Municipality by designating different areas with land use zones. The bylaws also contain rules that apply to each zone for things such as permitted uses, building set-backs and lot coverage. Because it is difficult for the zoning bylaws to address every circumstance that may affect the development or use of a particular property, the Planning Act allows Council to establish a Committee of Adjustment to which property owners can apply when they require a "minor variation" to the regulations.
A minor variance is a variation from the requirements of the Town of Espanola’s Zoning Bylaw 2368/11 and requires the completion and submission of a Minor Variance Application. The need for the variance is created by circumstances peculiar to the land, building, structures or use that prevent the owner from meeting all of the requirements of the bylaw.
Minor Variances may be granted provided that, in the opinion of the Committee:
- Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan?
- Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law?
- Is the variance in fact minor? “Minor” in this case refers to both the size and the impact of the variance; there is no specific numerical benchmark regarding what counts as “minor.”
- Is the variance desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land or the building? Determining whether a variance is desirable involves considering not just what is appropriate for the specific property in question, but also factors that could affect the broader public interest.
A land severance (consent) is the authorized separation of a piece of land to form two new adjoining, but separate properties. This is required if the owner wants to sell, mortgage, obtain a right-of-way or easement, or lease for more than 21 years part of his or her land. Once a severance has been approved, the new land parcel may be sold or resold without further approval, depending on the type of consent given. In order to be approved, it is Council’s responsibility to evaluate Consent Applications to determine whether or not the granting of the consent is in the public interest after considering planning principles within the Official Plan, Zoning Bylaw and Provincial Policy Statement.
The Town of Espanola’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw identify lands which are subject to Site Plan Control pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act as amended whenever development or redevelopment is to occur. A Site Plan Control Agreement (SPCA) is required prior to any site alteration activities or construction activities on property within a designated Site Plan Control area. You can find the application here. See Appendix 1 for drawing requirements. The Agreement must be entered into within the Municipality prior to the issuance of a building permit. In the case of properties undergoing additional Planning Act applications, such as an Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments, Minor Variance and/or Consent to Sever, the Site Plan Control Agreement must be entered into prior to final approval of all other applications.
A Plan of Subdivision is a method of dividing land into more than three parcels or lots so that those parcels or lots can be held in separate ownership. The approval process is governed by Section 51 of the Planning Act and includes consideration of where streets, parks and dwellings will be located. The plan must also address servicing issues related to storm and sanitary sewers and protection of natural features such as woodlots or watercourses.
A Plan of Condominium is a method of dividing property so that an individual holds title to a portion of a building, or a "unit", as well as a share of the rest of the property that is common to all the individual unit owners. A Condominium can apply to residential, commercial or industrial properties.
There are a number of different types of Condominiums allowed under the Condominium Act, 1998, as amended.
This process requires the submission of an Application for a Plan of Subdivision.
Local historical buildings, cultural landscapes, and heritage properties symbolize Espanola’s history.
Are you planning an improvement project? You be may be eligible for financial incentives offered in the Town’s Community Improvement Plan. Please contact the Economic Development Department 705.869.1961 x2212 for more information on how to apply.
Currently, there are no designated or non-designated heritage buildings or properties in the Town of Espanola.