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Council Rundown

May 28th, 2024

The Regular Meeting of Council on May 28th was brief, featuring primarily monthly departmental reports as well as one item to approve a budgeted purchase pursuant to the Procurement Policy. A meeting following the regular meeting was held to discuss matters for which a closed meeting may be held including a potential land acquisition or disposition, a plan or procedure to be applied to negotiations and matters pertaining to identifiable individuals.

Recommendation regarding Purchase of Pool Elements

Pursuant to the Procurement of Goods Policy, budgeted items exceeding $25,000 must come to Council for final approval. The elements that act as the internal housing for the filtration system bags at the pool are due for replacement. These parts are essential for the proper filtration of the lap and wade pools. Records indicate that these are original from 1999 when the pool first opened. The salespeople at SP&S stated that a 15-20 year lifespan is good for filter elements and that we have done very well with ours lasting 25 years. Ensuring these elements have a long lifespan like the originals have requires regular maintenance. Regular maintenance includes tasks such as draining filter tanks and hosing off build up of materials filtered out of the pools which is done every 2-4 weeks. During our regular maintenance shutdown in the summer, filter brackets are re-adjusted and aligned and filter elements and bags are given a thorough cleaning to ensure peak performance. Changing the filter element bags when they become thin and warn is also imperative to the life of the filter elements. The final quote approved by Council is $26,291.32 from SP & S. Staff was only able to receive 2 quotes for this purchase as it seems there are fewer and fewer companies selling these parts at the level we are looking for. Council approved purchase with 2 quotes as recommended whereas 3 quotes are typically required by the Procurement of Goods Policy for a purchase of this amount.  

The Council Rundown provides a summary of each Council Meeting. The official record of each meeting is the Meeting Minutes and can be found in the Council Meetings section of the website. Video recordings of meetings are similarly available in the same section. Any questions regarding Council Meetings can be directed to Joseph Burke, CAO/Clerk at [email protected] or by calling 705-869-1540.


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