Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan - Our Gateway to Growth 2023-2027 was developed in collaboration with Council, staff, community partners and the broader community. The Plan serves as a framework to guide Council and staff in the decision-making process and to direct our resources where they are needed over this term of Council.
Mission, Vision, and Key Strategies
The Plan contains Council’s vision for the future of our community. The mission statement outlines how we are going to get there and is supported by six key strategic priorities. These key priorities are Housing, Pride of Place, Infrastructure, Quality of Life, Economy and Town Government.
The Plan is further partitioned into initiatives with performance indicators for Council and staff. With these goals and initiatives in mind, staff draft operational and capital budgets for Council to approve each year. Council adopts a budget that supports the initiatives to achieve our goals. Our corporate values are consistently present in all activities of the Municipality.
Monitoring and Reporting
A measurement system throughout the year helps us understand how well we are doing. The CAO/Treasurer will report to Council on progress achieved toward the priorities and will highlight new opportunities or challenges. The Municipality will remain accountable for the work in this plan by updating the public on progress.
Download the complete Strategic Plan - Our Gateway to Growth 2023 -2027 (pdf)