The Town of Espanola celebrates the experience, resilience and generosity of our seniors. Seniors contribute to the majority of volunteerism in our community.
Town Services for Seniors
Espanola Seniors' Club #455
799 Queensway Avenue
Box 129
Espanola, ON P5E 1R3
[email protected]
Enjoy cards, socials, dinners and special trips, entertainment and craft classes. A monthly activity calendar is published and available at the Drop-in Centre, the Hospital Long-term Care, Queensway Assisted Living and Queensway Apartments.
Seniors, families, single adults and those with special needs seeking information on rent geared to income and assisted housing can contact Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Administration Board (MS-DSB)
210 Mead Blvd
Espanola, ON P5E 1R9
PH 705.862.7850/1.800.667.3145
FX 705.862.7805/1.800.397.3334
Assisted Living
The Queensway Place
The Queensway Place provides a secure, comfortable, carefree living environment through support services that enable seniors to live independently. The Queensway Place assisted living is part of the Espanola Regional Hospital and Health Centre. Accessible to the Seniors Apartments, Seniors Drop-In Centre, Espanola Nursing Home, the Hospital and Medical Clinic. PH 705.869.1420 ext 4090
Nursing Home
The Espanola Nursing Home is linked to the Espanola Regional Hospital and Health Centre. The facility houses 64 residents and provides 24-hour nursing care. For a tour contact 705.869.1420. To apply contact your Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) at 310.2222 (no area code) or 1.800.461.2919