Business & Service Directory

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Business & Service Directory

Find local businesses, service clubs, organizations and charities in the Town of Espanola's Business & Service Registry.

Search Our Business and Services Directory

Local businesses create employment, give to local clubs & charities & pay local taxes which support community events & programs & essential infrastructure.

Local service clubs & charities ensure quality of life services & programs for the community.

Registration is free!

Each Espanola Business Directory application is reviewed by our department managers, who will help you to ensure you’re  meeting all required legislation which will assist in a smooth business opening!

Showing 82 - 90 of 195...

Singh Dentistry

91 Tudhope Street
Espanola, ON   P5E 1S6


Not available

Manitoulin Denture Clinic

73 Centre Street
Espanola, ON P5E 1S4

1 (866) 233-5233 / (705) 869-4544

Not available

D'Aloisio Orthodontics

800 Centre Street
Espanola Mall
Espanola, ON P5E 1J3

(705) 869-0880 or 1-888-8BRACES

A.B. Ellis Public School

164 Mead Blvd
Espanola, ON P5E 1S5

(705) 869-1651

Not available

Vintage Electronics & Sounds - The Source by Circuit City

800 Centre Street, Suite 213
Espanola Mall
Espanola, ON P5E 1J3

(705) 869-4820

Not available

Garnet's Rental

120 McCulloch Drive
Espanola, ON P5E 1S1

(705) 869-2886

Not available

D's Floral Expressions

365 Centre Street
Espanola, ON  P5E 1E4

(705) 869-8838

Not available

Espanola Home Hardware Building Centre

830 Centre Street
Espanola, ON P5E 1S3

(705) 869-2130

Not available

Tanner's Your Independent Grocer

745 Centre Street
Espanola, ON P5E 1S8

(705) 869-0284

Not available