Business & Service Directory
Find local businesses, service clubs, organizations and charities in the Town of Espanola's Business & Service Registry.
Search Our Business and Services Directory
Local businesses create employment, give to local clubs & charities & pay local taxes which support community events & programs & essential infrastructure.
Local service clubs & charities ensure quality of life services & programs for the community.
Registration is free!
Each Espanola Business Directory application is reviewed by our department managers, who will help you to ensure you’re meeting all required legislation which will assist in a smooth business opening!
Espanola Lions Club
Espanola Little Theatre
Knight Cruisers Car Club
LaCloche Trails Association
330 Appleford Avenue
Espanola, ON P5E 1C7
(705) 869-6228
Not available
Don's Concrete Cutting Service & Snow Removal
Dan's Electric Espanola Ltd.
114 Centre Street, Unit A
Espanola, ON P5E 1G1
(705) 869-8202 / (705) 869-3858
Not available
Energy Logic Electrical Services (and Renewable Energy)
(705) 662-8959