Public Works
Public Works is proud to provide citizens with the following services:
The Town of Espanola contracts Green for Life for residential and commercial curbside garbage collection. To contact Green for Life call 705-869-2447.
Regular household pick-up is scheduled on Friday mornings at 6:00 a.m.
Each household is permitted two bags of trash weighing no more than 50lbs.
Yard waste disposed in bags is counted as part of the two bag limit. We encourage you to dispose of yard waste at the Yard Waste Depot on Panache Lake Rd.
If you have more than the two bag limit, additional bag tags (limit of 2 per month per address) are available at the Town Office for curb side pick-up only .
Each business is permitted eight bags of trash per week weighing no more than 50lbs.
In the winter months, Garbage & Recycling Container Placement:
- Have a cleared, leveled area and pathway within 1 meter (3 feet) of the snow bank. We recommend the right side of the driveway when facing the street.
- DO NOT place garbage and recycling on top of snowbanks -these will not be picked up.
- Placing garbage and recycling containers out at 7:00 a.m. on the day of pick up will avoid bags from freezing to the ground and being buried by snow.
- Ensure garbage containers are cleared of snow and avoid using white bags as they tend to be missed next to a white snow bank.
Click the link below for garbage can and blue box placement examples in the winter:
Examples of where to place your garbage & recycling
In the summer months, residents must place their garbage and recycling at the road edge.
Road edge is defined as:
- Residents with Roads that have cement curb and gutter: The placement of garbage and recycling shall be at the edge of curb
- Homes with a sidewalk: The placement of garbage and recycling shall on the street side of the sidewalk.
- Street with paved shoulders: The placement of garbage and recycling shall be in the low spot of the should near the vehicular travelled path.
- Streets with Gravel shoulders: The placement of garbage and recyclables is within 3 to 5 feet or 1m to 1.6m of pavement edge.
Garbage and recycling not properly placed will not be picked up by the GFL.
Garbage that is not presented as described below will not be picked up.
Please place garbage in one large tightly sealed bag per container/can and ensure that there are no loose items in your container/can.
1. BAG and SEAL your garbage
- Place garbage securely in sealed bags (with no holes). Please note we cannot collect loose items at this time.
- If your container has a lid, ensure it is fully closed to avoid loose windblown items.
2. DO NOT place used tissues/ napkins/ wipes, etc. loose in ANY CONTAINER
- Items for cleaning or personal use (including masks and gloves) MUST be disposed of in tightly-sealed garbage bags and placed in the garbage ONLY.
3. If you’re sick, bag it TWICE
- If you, anyone in your household, or anyone you’ve been in contact with is sick, place your garbage in a bag, then put that bag in a second bag. If in doubt, bag it twice!
The Landfill site is owned/operated by and located at:
Dodge Haulage Limited
1653 Bass Lake Road
Espanola, ON P5E 1P9
Phone: 705-869-3867
Hours: Mon. – Sat. 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
The Town of Espanola contracts Green for Life for residential recycling collection.
May 2024 - April 2025 Recycling Schedule (PDF)
Please have recyclables curbside for 6:00 am. Please keep your recyclables separate from your garbage.
In the winter months, Garbage & Recycling Container Placement:
- Have a cleared, leveled area and pathway within 1 meter (3 feet) of the snow bank. We recommend the right side of the driveway when facing the street.
- DO NOT place garbage and recycling on top of snowbanks -these will not be picked up.
- Placing garbage and recycling containers out at 7:00 a.m. on the day of pick up will avoid bags from freezing to the ground and being buried by snow.
- Ensure garbage containers are cleared of snow and avoid using white bags as they tend to be missed next to a white snow bank.
Click the link below for garbage can and blue box placement examples in the winter:
Examples of where to place your garbage & recycling
In the summer months, residents must place their garbage and recycling at the road edge.
Road edge is defined as
- Residents with Roads that have cement curb and gutter: The placement of garbage and recycling shall be at the edge of curb
- Homes with a sidewalk: The placement of garbage and recycling shall on the street side of the sidewalk.
- Street with paved shoulders: The placement of garbage and recycling shall be in the low spot of the should near the vehicular travelled path.
- Streets with Gravel shoulders: The placement of garbage and recyclables is within 3 to 5 feet or 1m to 1.6m of pavement edge.
Garbage and recycling not properly placed will not be picked up by the GFL.
Symbol "F":
Newspapers, Magazines, Household Fine Pape, Catalogues & Telephone Books
- Includes advertising inserts and glossy flyers
- White, brown or coloured writing and mailed papers
- Photocopy paper and envelopes, No carbon or tissue
- Keep newspaper separate from cardboard
- Place loose in Blue Box
Corrugated Cardboard
- Layered cardboard boxes with a Ripple between the layers.
- Keep newspaper separated from cardboard
- Flatten and bundle to fit in Blue Box
- Place loose in Blue Box
- Cereal, detergent, shoe boxes, etc.
- Remove liners, flatten and stuff into a boxboard box.
- Cardboard and boxboard can be placed together
- Milk and Juice Cartons
- Place loose in Blue Box
Symbol "C":
- Glass Bottles & Jars
- Clear and coloured
- Food and beverage containers only
- Remove lids
- Place loose in Blue Box
Metal Food & Beverage Containers
- Steel and aluminum food and beverage cans.
- Aluminum foil trays
- Steel lids or jar lids can be placed with metal food products
- Rinse and remove lids or push into cans
- Place loose in your Blue Box
- * NO Styrofoam
* NO grocery,milk,bread or chip bags
* NO broken glass, window panes or dishes
Plastic Bottles & Jars
- Plastic pop bottles, water bottles, soap, anti-freeze, laundry detergent, javex bottles, etc.
- Containers marked on the side or bottom with:
Yard Waste Depot - Closed for the season effective November 11, 2024
Espanola residents are encouraged to take advantage of this service to clean up their property and dispose of leaf & yard waste, branches, and brush at no charge. The Depot is closed during the Winter.
This program is a benefit for Espanola residents, so please respect the guidelines to ensure continued operation.
Cameras have been installed at the Yard Waste Depot on Panache Lake Road. Should illegal dumping become a recurring issue, the site will return to restrictive weekday hours.
The following are NOT accepted:
- Wood 4” in diameter or larger
- Lumber and wood construction materials
- Plastic bags of any kind (including biodegradable)
- Garbage of any kind
This property is under camera surveillance.
It is against the law to carry an unsecured load. Please cover to keep from littering.
This facility has no affiliation with the landfill.
Thank you for your co-operation.
For further information, please call the Public Works Department at 705-869-1751.
2024 Household Hazardous Waste Day Flyer
HHWD is typically held the last Saturday in April or the first Saturday in May.
Public Works cannot accept any hazardous waste other than this one day per year when the event is hosted.
✓ Ammonia ✓ Cosmetics ✓ Metal Polish
✓ Solvents ✓ Anti-freeze ✓ Disinfectants
✓ Oven Cleaner ✓ Bleach ✓ Art Supplies
✓ Drain Cleaner ✓ Paint ✓ Flea Powder
✓ Waxes ✓ Pesticides ✓ BBQ Starter
✓ Herbicides ✓ Light Bulbs ✓ Rat Poison
✓ Engine Oils & Fuel ✓ Insecticides
✓ Swimming Pool Chemicals ✓ Propane Tanks ✓ Wood Preservatives
✓ Batteries weighing 5kg or more only
No pharmaceuticals, PCB’s, commercial, agricultural, industrial, pathological, explosives, infectious or radioactive waste will be accepted.
NEW: CFL, fluorescent, incandescent, halogen, HID, UV, germicidal and LED bulbs and tubes are all now accepted.
Reminder: Single-use and rechargeable batteries such as button cells, AA, AAA, C, D, 9V, lantern batteries, sealed lead acid batteries and replacement batteries for products such as drills, cell phone, laptop, etc. that weigh 5kg or less are no longer accept at Household Hazardous Waste Day events. Home Hardware and Canadian Tire in Espanola are disposal locations for these types of batteries at no cost. Only batteries weighing more than 5kg will be accepted at hazardous household waste day events.
Pharmaceuticals or used needles are no longer accepted at Household Hazardous Waste Day events. Medication, sharp containers, etc., can be disposed of at any local pharmacy at no cost. Public Health Sudbury & Districts also has a yellow used needle drop off box/kiosk outside their office at the Espanola Mall.
Joel Yusko, Manager of Environment Services & Special Projects
Phone: 705-869-1751
Email: [email protected]
Monday to Friday – 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Battery Recycling
The Town of Espanola will no longer be a disposal location for single-use or rechargeable batteries weighing 5kg or less. New Provincial regulations have moved to an Individual Producer Responsibility System, which makes producers accountable for the recycling of their products once consumers are finished with them. Current battery disposal locations in Espanola include Home Hardware and Canadian Tire. There are disposal boxes/bins at the customer service desk/entrances to these local businesses.
Examples of single-use and rechargeable batteries include button cells, AA, AAA, C, D, 9V, lantern batteries, sealed lead acid batteries and replacement batteries for products such as drills, cell phone, laptop, etc. that weigh 5kg or less.
These types of batteries are no longer be accepted at Household Hazardous Waste Day events due to this service being offered locally during regular business hours and at no cost. Only batteries weighing more than 5kg will be accepted at future hazardous household waste day events.
Please contact the Public Works Dept. at (705)869-1751 with any questions related to this matter.
Our Public Works Department maintains over 82 km of paved, gravel and surface treated roads within the community.
We look after the Town’s sidewalks and maintain their condition.
Winter Parking Restriction
The Department also provides Seniors snow shoveling during the winter months.
Ontario Clean Water Agency operates and maintains the Town's water supply and distribution system, and the sanitary sewer and wastewater collection system.
Residents are reminded to adhere to the watering bylaw. The Lawn Watering Bylaw is in effect year round. Even numbered houses may only water on even numbered days while odd numbered houses may only water on odd numbered days. On days where residents may water, they may only do so between 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM. Homes equipped with electronic watering systems may water on any day from 3:00am – 6:00am. Violations of the watering bylaw may be reported to By-Law Enforcement at 705-673-3647. There is a $120.00 fine for watering when not permitted.
When the Public Works Dept. troubleshoots problems in the sanitary sewer collection system, “flushable wipes” are often found to be the culprit. As the wipes don’t breakdown with the water like toilet paper, they have a tendency to hang-up in the pipe and create a blockage. It is hard to blame the system users for flushing them down their toilets due to their marketing as “flushable”, however they are an epidemic and major cause of sewage back-ups in every sanitary sewer collection system. Please dispose of personal wipes in the wastepaper basket and DO NOT flush any wipe material that is not conventional toilet paper down your toilet. This will help prevent blockages that have the potential of backing up entire subdivisions. Thank you for your cooperation.
View more information on our water system and treatment plant with our annual and summary reports:
2021 Espanola WTP Annual & Summary Report
2020 Espanola WTP Annual and Summary Report
2019 Espanola WTP Annual and Summary Report
2018 Espanola WTP Annual and Summary Report
2017 Espanola WTP Annual and Summary Report
2016 Espanola WTP Annual and Summary Report
2015 Espanola WTP Annual and Summary Report
You can view more information on the Town of Espanola wastewater treatment plan with our annual reports:
2021 Espanola Annual Report - Wastewater Treatment Plant
2020 Espanola Annual Report - Wastewater Treatment Plant
2019 Espanola Annual Report – Wastewater Treatment Plant
2018 Espanola Annual Report – Wastewater Treatment Plant
2017 Espanola Annual Report – Wastewater Treatment Plant
2016 Espanola Annual Report – Wastewater Treatment Plant
2015 Espanola Annual Report – Wastewater Treatment Plant