Council Rundown
June 25th , 2024
The Council Meetings of June 25th featured a number of items including the annual presentation of the Towns Draft Audited Financial Statements for 2023 and the declaration of a vacant Council Seat.
Special Meeting Before the Regular
Audited Financial Statements
At a Special Meeting before the Regular, the Town’s auditor KPMG provided a fulsome presentation of the draft audited financial statements. Council approved the statements.
Regular Meeting of Council
New Parking and Traffic Bylaws
Council approved two new bylaws to replace the former consolidated Traffic and Parking Bylaw. This was mostly a housekeeping item, but did include the creation of a new 2-hour parking only zone on the north side of Mead Boulevard opposite the AB Ellis school to help reduce congestion at school dismissal. This restriction will apply Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Winter Sand Tender
Council approved the award of the Winter Sand Tender to OCL Custom Crushing & Quarrying Ltd. in the amount of $45,000. OCL was the only bidder.
Adoption of the Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan
As is required by Ontario Regulation 25/23, Council approved the Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan. The plan provides a framework for the Town to implement improvements to its infrastructure and operations that reduce energy use, associated costs and environmental impacts.
Annual Noise Bylaw Exemption for Mixed Slo-Pitch Tournament
The Annual Mixed Slo-Pitch tournament is back this year and Council approved the typical exemption to provisions of the Noise Bylaw to permit the homerun derby on August 9th from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am and for a dance with a live band on August 20th from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am. Those interested in registering a team are encouraged to visit the events Facebook Page called “Espanola Annual Mixed Slo-Pitch Tournament”.
Declaration of Council Seat Vacancy
Councillor Johnathan Nadeau has tendered his resignation and as per the Municipal Act, Council has since declared his seat vacant. As was discussed as part of an item later in the evening at the Special Meeting Following the Regular Meeting, Council will be posting a call for Expressions of Interest from members of the public who are eligible to be a member Council under applicable legislation. Pursuant to Subsection 263 (1), Council shall fill the vacancy either by appointing a person who has consented to accept the office if appointed; or require a by-election to be held. Council has opted to proceed with an appointment to avoid the cost of holding a by-election. To determine who may be interested, a call for expressions of interest will be posted in the coming days for a period of 3 weeks. For further context, the Special Meeting Following the Regular is available by video on the Town’s website.
Special Meeting Following the Regular
Council had a Special Meeting following the Regular to discuss a number of items that may be discussed in closed session and resulted in the following public items at the resumption of the open meeting:
Wall of Fame Committee Appointment
The search for a new Wall of Fame award recipient is well underway with nominations recently closing. The selection committee who will make the recommendation to Council has officially been appointed. It will be comprised of community representatives Timothy Gallagher and Darryl Nadeau as well as Council Members Mayor Gervais and Deputy Mayor Kelly.
OPP Land Donation
Council has approved an approximately 4-acre land donation to the Province of Ontario for the construction of a new OPP Detachment to replace the McKerrow and Centre Street OPP Detachment locations pending approval by Infrastructure Ontario. Due diligence assessments are still underway by Infrastructure Ontario, but progressing positively. The new OPP Detachment would be located on Panache Lake Road and its construction is fully funded by the Province of Ontario with exception of the land which is being donated by the Town.
Council Vacancy
As mentioned under the Regular Meeting summary above, Council approved to proceed with the filling of the Council Vacancy by appointment and a call for expressions of interest will be posted in the coming days.
The Council Rundown provides a summary of each Council Meeting. The official record of each meeting is the Meeting Minutes and can be found in the Council Meetings section of the website. Video recordings of meetings are similarly available in the same section. Any questions regarding Council Meetings can be directed to Joseph Burke, CAO/Clerk at [email protected] or by calling 705-869-1540.